What is "Car Check Data"
Car data check is frequently known in the UK as an "HPI check" or "HPI
Car Check". The term HPI, HPI Ltd and HPI Check are all registered trademark of
the HPI Limited (HPI stands for Hire Purchase Investigations) which has been
checking car history since 1938. In 2004 HPI became part of the Norwich Union.
Today, there are many other companies offering comparable car data check
services, who may refer to teh Car Data Check by any one of the following names:
Car Data Check, CAR CHECK, Car History Check, Car
Registration Check, Vehicle Check, Vehicle History Check, RAC Car Check, Vehicle
Identity Check etc, these are all here to provide consumers with information on
the history of the car - to ensure the car buyer that he/she are not about to
make an expensive mistake.
Why CarCheckDirect.co.uk?
This website gives you an unbiased appraisal of all the top car data
checking services so you can save time and money by making the right choice
first time - and get the vehicle history report that's best for you. As well as
explaining the risks of a buying a car today, we have given you a comprehensive
comparison of all the top car checking services within the UK. We've looked at
what they have to offer you for the money and suggest alternatives depending on
your requirements. Finally, we give you sample car check reports (as provided by
the car checking companies themselves) for you to review before you spend any
Do I really need to do a car data check?
Statistics prove the dangers of buying your car completely blind, or on the say
so of the seller. 1 in 3 vehicles have some hidden history such as the car still
owes finance, has been declared an insurance write-off, has been reported stolen
or has a mileage discrepancy.
- 1 in 3 vehicles have some form of hidden history.
- 5 out of 100 cars have been clocked at one stage - for
whichever reason.
- 2 out of 3 cars are purchased on finance.
- 2, 000 000 cars & vans are scrapped each year.
- 450 000 cars are condemned a 'total loss' or 'insurance
write off' and some are salvaged and put back on the road.
- over 400 000 cars are stolen each year.
